The Swifteq Help Center Apps provide the easiest way to manage and analyze your Zendesk Help Center content.
In this Article
Help Center Manager
Links and Media Pages
Identify and Fixing Broken Links and Media
Find and Replace Text across Articles
Perform Bulk Operations on Articles
Displaying and Editing Articles Directly in Help Center Manager
Translating Articles
Help Center Analytics
Free 14-day Trial and Pricing Options
Subscribing to Help Center Manager
Multiple Users for the Help Center Manager
Help Center Manager
Help Center Manager gives you access to the Articles, Links and Media in your Zendesk Help Center.
You can Search for Articles, Links and Media. This also offers the additional options of searching with Match Case, Match Exact Phrase, and Search in HTML. Refer to Searching for Articles, Links and Media.
You can use the Add filter button at the top of the Articles, Links, Media and Analytics tables to select Filters and choose what to display in the page.
Tip: By applying Filters, such as Category or Section, you can then use other functions such as the Search to search through specific Categories or Sections.
You can also Save sets of Filters to select and reuse. Refer to Saving Filters in the Articles Page in Using the Filters in Articles, Links and Media.
You can Export one, all or selected Articles, and their content. The export file can be produced as a CSV file, HTML file, Word document or PDF document and, as relevant, there are options on how article content is included in the export file. You can also Export a list of all or selected Links or Media as a CSV file. Refer to Exporting Articles, Links and Media.
Tip: Exporting your articles as a Word document allows you to run a full spell and grammar check using the Word functions.
Links and Media Pages
The Links page lists all the links to other articles within the Help Center and also any links to external websites. The Media page lists all the images and videos you have included in articles.
Tip: The Links page shows where links have been included in more than one article. This is useful if you need to check or change every instance of where a link appears. You can also use the Change URL Link function to change the link in every article it appears in. Refer to Checking and Changing Links.
Using a search or sort on the Media page allows you to identify where an image or video appears in more than one article so you can update every instance. Refer to Checking and Changing Media.
Identify and Fixing Broken Links and Media
Using the Links and Media pages you can identify any links or media that are not valid.
For Links, a broken link is a link to an article that is "Draft, "Archived" or "Deleted" in the Zendesk Help Center. If a reader of the Help Center clicked on the link for an "Archived" or "Deleted" article it would break with an error. If a reader of the Help Center clicked on the link for a "Draft" article, it would only display if the user was signed into Zendesk. If the user is not signed in, they are prompted to sign in.
You can also check for Links to articles that are "Private" which are articles that are not set up as Visible to "Everyone". Where the link is to a valid site but needs authorization to access it, this also shows as an invalid link but you can mark any of these as valid so they are no longer included as a link that needs to be corrected.
For Media, broken media is an image or video that does not display for a reader of the Zendesk Help Center.
Refer to Checking for Broken and Private Links and to Checking for Broken Media.
There are also various ways you can use Help Center Manager to help fix broken links and media. Refer to Fixing Broken Links and Fixing Broken Media.
Find and Replace Text across Articles
The Find and Replace function allows you to make changes to text across all, filtered or selected articles. It also includes options to run the Find and Replace in HTML code. As well as being able to replace all instances of text, and push and save the changes to Zendesk, this also has options for you to preview and revise what will be replaced before making the changes. Refer to Using Find and Replace.
Perform Bulk Operations on Articles
You can perform bulk operations on all or selected articles. As well as the functions to Export and Find and Replace, you can use this to for Translating Articles with Bulk Translate and for Duplicating Articles.
You can also use this to Rollback from Zendesk, Save to Zendesk, Delete from Zendesk and Reset Votes on the selected articles.
Displaying and Editing Articles Directly in Help Center Manager
From the Articles page, you can display the Article View to see the details and the full content of the article. Refer to Article View.
Using the Edit function from the Article View, you can edit articles directly in Help Center Manager and push the changes to Zendesk. As well as offering all the options available in Zendesk, the Edit function from the Article View in Help Center Manager provides options that are not available in the Zendesk editor. Refer to Editing an Article using the Help Center Manager Editor.
Translating Articles
From the Articles page, the Translate function allows you to translate your exiting help center articles to any language that has been enabled in your Help Center and you can use this to translate articles to multiple languages in one go.
The Swifteq Translate function uses OpenAI's ChatGPT. To use OpenAI's ChatGPT when translating articles in Help Center Manager, you do not need a paid OpenAI account.
in Zendesk, enabling additional languages requires a subscription of Guide Professional or Enterprise.
- You can use the Bulk Translate function to translate one or more selected articles from the Articles page. This allows you to translate articles to multiple languages in one go.
When using Bulk Translate, you can select to save the article translations as "Draft" in Zendesk or to save them as "Under Review" so that you check and review the translations and make any changes needed before publishing them.
You can also translate the Categories and Sections from the Bulk Translate if these do not already exist. This is important as a translated article will never show if the translations aren’t present for the Category and Section, even when the article is published.
Refer to Translating Articles with Bulk Translate.
- You can also translate all or part of an individual article from the Article View. This can also be used to display the existing translations for an article. Refer to Translating All or Part of an Individual Article.
- From the Translate function, you can set up a Glossary that is used for the translations. This allows you to control the translations for specific terms and phrases to maintain a specific brand voice or ensure that terms are consistent. Refer to Using the Translate Glossary and Changing the Translation Prompt.
- Where the article in the default language has been updated, this is indicated in the Articles page and the Article View so you can easily determine which translations need to be updated. Translations can be easily re-translated from the Article View and this also lists any languages where the translation is missing.
Refer to Identifying Articles that have Outdated Translations in Articles Page and to Displaying the Article Translations and Missing Translations in Article View.
- In the Articles page, you can use the Not Translated to Filter (and select an enabled Language) to display articles that do not yet have that translation. Refer to Using the Filters in Articles, Links and Media.
Translate is available with a separate pricing plan. New customers can add Translate as an add-on when subscribing to Help Center Manager. Existing customers can contact us directly by emailing to add Translate to their bill.
Tasks can be used to assign and track article-related work to team members. A Task can be associated with one or more Articles, Links or Media. Each Task is assigned to a user who is one of the users who have access to your Help Center. Refer to Using the Tasks Feature and Adding Tasks.
Help Center Analytics
Help Center Analytics provides the metrics to help you understand how your Help Center information is being used, how it is performing for a selected period, and how to improve it. This gives you access to information such as the total number of article views, and votes, and gives information on the articles, categories and sections that are being visited. Help Center Analytics can provide valuable insights into what topics your customers are searching for, which articles are most popular, and gauge the time customers invest in your articles.
You can also display in-depth metrics for specific articles in the Article Metrics and in-depth metrics for search queries. As well as information such as the number of views and the votes for that article, this also gives information on what the visitors did both before and after the visit to the article and before and after a search query. This gives you insight into how visitors are using the Help Center. From the Article Metrics, you can display the Visitor's Journey which displays information for a specific visitor. The Journey displays the qualitative data of the visitor's activity, such as, other articles or other areas of the Help Center that were visited, where a search was made and the text that was searched for.
Refer to the articles in the section Help Center Analytics.
The information displayed in Help Center Analytics can also be integrated with the Helpdesk Tickets and, where the visitors are signed in users, this gives links to the user information in your Zendesk Helpdesk. This integration is set up by enabling Read Tickets when you connect Help Center Manager to your Zendesk account. This can also be enabled after the initial connect using the Reauthorization function. Refer to Read Tickets and Self-Service Score.
Analytics is available with a separate pricing plan. New customers can add Analytics as an add-on when subscribing to Help Center Manager. Existing customers can contact us directly by emailing to add Analytics to their bill.
Free 14-day Trial and Pricing Options
You can install a free 14-day trial of the Help Center Manager. The trial gives you access to all the Help Center Manager functions, with a limit on some of the bulk operations.
To install the 14-day trial, go to the Zendesk Marketplace - Help Center Manager page.
You can click the following link to take you directly to the page:
Zendesk > Marketplace > Apps > Help Center Manager
To display the Help Center Manager Pricing options, click the Subscribe button.
Or, from the Zendesk Marketplace page (Zendesk > Marketplace > Apps > Help Center Manager) click See pricing details link on the right-hand side.
Refer to Free 14-day Trial and Pricing Options.
Subscribing to Help Center Manager
You can subscribe to Help Center Manager by clicking the Subscribe button. This displays the Pricing page with the various pricing options for your subscription. Refer to Subscribing to Help Center Manager, Managing your Billing or Cancelling your Subscription.
Multiple Users for the Help Center Manager
Initially, you are assigned one login to the Help Center Manager. If required, you can then invite additional users by selecting the Invite Users from the Profile button. Refer to Inviting Additional Users to Help Center Manager.
If you have multiple users, they should not use any functions that write to your Zendesk Help Center at the same time. These are the functions that alter articles in your Zendesk Help Center, such as Editing an article, Find and Replace or Duplicate. More than one user can use any read functions and Analytics at the same time without any issues.
Switching to Other Swifteq Zendesk Apps
Within Help Center Manager, you can switch to the other Swifteq Zendesk Apps for the same account Refer to Switching to Swifteq Zendesk Apps.