From the Article View (refer to Article View) you can use the Translate function to translate all or part of the specific article.
- You can use Translate from the Article View to create a new translation of the individual article.
- For an article which already has a translation, you can use this to translate all or part of the translation text. This is useful if you need to update the translation with changes made in the source article.
If there are different images or videos used in the translation to that in the source article, you can select and translate just parts of the text in the source article and copy this into the translation as needed, without overwriting any images or videos.
- For an article in the default language, in the Article View you can click Article Translations to display a list of the translations for that article. This shows if any of the translations are Outdated, that is, the article in the default language has been updated since the latest translation. It also shows if there are any translations missing for any languages you have enabled. From the Article View, you can Re-Translate a translation or Translate a missing translation. Refer to Displaying the Article Translations in Article View.
- From the Article View, you can also use Translate to display any existing translations for an article. Selecting the relevant language automatically displays the existing translation for that language.
To enable additional languages in your Zendesk Help Center requires Guide Professional or Enterprise as the subscription. The Translate functions in Help Center Manager are therefore only available if you have one of these subscriptions, and if you have more than one language enabled.
In this Article
Translating the Article Text
Translating the Article Title
Save to Zendesk, Save for Review or Rollback from Zendesk
Save to Zendesk
Save for Review
Rollback from Zendesk
Updating Translations
The option to change the Glossary and Translation Prompt from the Translate in Article View will be added as an option soon.
Translating the Article Text
- Display the Article View for the required article, refer to Article View.
- Click Translate.
From the Article View click Article Translations then click Re-translate for an existing translation or click Translate to add a translation for a Missing Translation. Refer to Displaying the Article Translations in Article View.
The article displays on the left-hand side. If you have displayed the Translate from the Article View the language is automatically selected. If there is already a translation of this article this displays on the right-hand side. If relevant, select the language of the translation.
- If this is not already displayed, select the language that you want to translate to.
Note: If you have added a new language to Zendesk, and this language is not showing as a selection in the Destination, you need to run a Quick Sync to update it from Zendesk so it is available in Help Center Manager. Refer to Syncing the Zendesk Data to Help Center Manager. - To translate, or re-translate the entire article, click Select All.
To translate a part of the article, drag the mouse over the text in he source article that you want to translate to select it.
When updating an existing translation, you can select just the part(s) that have changed and copy them into the translation.
If the existing translation has different images or videos to those in the source, you can retain these in the translation by translating only the text and copying and pasting the text around the images or videos.
- Click Translate.
A message displays that the content is translating with the language of the translation.
When the translation is complete, it displays as in the following example.
Any images or other media are not shown but will be copied in correctly into the translation.
- Click Copy to clipboard to copy the displayed translation. This copies the translated text and any images or media that you selected. You can then paste it manually into the translation article on the right-hand with Ctrl+v or paste it anywhere else you require.
Click Insert to cursor to paste the translation directly into the translation article on the right-hand side at the cursor position. As a default, this is the top of the blank area, or at the bottom of any existing text.
- If required, you can make any changes to the text in the translation, directly from the editor.
- Next, translate the Article Title.
Translating the Article Title
For a new translation, you need to add the article title before you can save the translation to Zendesk.
- Click to deselect any selected text
- Then click in the article title area to select it.
- Click Translate.
- When the translation is complete, click Copy to Clipboard. This copies the translation of the title to to your clipboard.
- Copy the translated title to the Title in the translation.
- When the translation article has a title, you can save the article to Zendesk.
Save to Zendesk, Save for Review or Rollback from Zendesk
When changes have been made, you can click Save to Zendesk, Save for review or Rollback from Zendesk.
Save to Zendesk
Save to Zendesk saves the translation to your Zendesk Help Center. This only saves the translation article to Zendesk. If you have made any changes to the source article (on the left-hand side) these changes are not updated to Zendesk.
For a new translation:
- A message displays "Translation was successfully created".
- The new article is created with the status of "Draft" in Zendesk.
For an updated translation:
- A message displays "The article was successfully saved and pushed to Zendesk".
- For an existing translation, the update is pushed to Zendesk and the status of the article in Zendesk is unchanged. A translation that was already set as "Published" will remain published and a translation that that was "Draft" with remain as draft.
Save for Review
Save for review saves the translation locally without pushing it to Zendesk.
For a new translation, the article displays in the Articles page in Help Center Manager as in the example below, and the status shows as Under Review in the Article View, but the translation is not yet included in Zendesk.
For an updated translation, the article displays in the Articles page in Help Center Manager as in the example below, and the status shows as Under Review in the Article View, but the status is not changed in Zendesk.
When using Save for review, a message displays "The article was saved locally for review".
Rollback from Zendesk
When using the Translate on an existing translation that has already been pushed to Zendesk, Rollback from Zendesk loads the latest version from Zendesk and any changes made locally in Help Center Manager will be lost. If the article translation had been set as Under review in Help Center Manager, the Rollback will also remove this status.
Updating Translations
To update translations:
- Changes can be made manually either in Zendesk, or in the Help Center Manager Editor.
- You can display the Translate from the Article View by clicking Translate or Article Translations and either translate the entire article or parts of it as described above.
- You can translate the entire article(s) again using Bulk Translate. You need to also select Overwrite if a translation already exists. Refer to Translating Articles with Bulk Translate.