When you have connected and authorized Triggers+ChatGPT, the Configuration displays.
Initially the Triggers+ChatGPT app is not enabled. You first need to set up the Workflows for the app based on your requirements. Workflows are set up in the Configuration and you can re-display the Configuration Settings at any time from your Zendesk Agent Dashboard and make changes as needed.
Only users with access to the Triggers+ChatGPT can access the Configuration and set up Workflows. For details, refer to Setting the Title and Access Restrictions in Installing the Swifteq Automation Apps and to Changing the Installation Settings.
For examples of specific scenarios and use cases, refer to the articles in the section Example Workflows and How Tickets are Updated.
In this Article
Setting up the Workflows
Getting Help with Setting up Workflows
Creating the Workflows for Triggers+ChatGPT
Workflow Name
Open API Key
GPT-4 or GPT-3.5
OpenAI ChatGPT Action
Zendesk Action
Enabling the Workflow and Save
Opening and Editing the Trigger Created in your Zendesk Admin Center
Editing, Disabling or Deleting a Workflow
Editing a Workflow
Disabling a Workflow
Deleting a Workflow
Setting up the Workflows
If the Configuration page is not already displayed, open the Triggers+ChatGPT app as follows.
- Login to Zendesk as a user who has access to the Triggers+ChatGPT app.
- On the left-hand side of the Zendesk Agent Dashboard, click the Triggers+ChatGPT icon in the sidebar.
Or, from an open Swifteq app, click the Switch between Swifteq Zendesk Apps button in the top right menu and select Triggers+ChatGPT.
The Triggers+ChatGPT Configuration displays. Initially there are no Workflows.
Getting Help with Setting up Workflows
If you need help setting up Workflows, you can reach out on the Swifteq live chat by clicking the following icon.
Or email at support@swifteq.com.
Creating the Workflows for Triggers+ChatGPT
When creating Workflows for Triggers+ChatGPT you enter and make selections for the following:
- Enter the Workflow Name. Refer below to Workflow Name.
- Select the Trigger. Refer below to Trigger.
- Enter your OpenAI API Key. This is only selected the first time you set up a Workflow. Refer below to Open API Key.
- Select an OpenAI ChatGPT Action to select the action ChatGPT will make for this Workflow. Refer to Configuring the Workflows - OpenAI ChatGPT Action.
- Select a Zendesk Action to instruct the Workflow what to do with the output and what to update in the ticket. Refer to Configuring the Workflows - Zendesk Action.
- Enable the Workflow and save it. Refer below to Enabling the Workflow and Save.
- If relevant, edit the Swifteq Trigger in your Zendesk Admin Center. Refer to Opening and Editing the Swifteq Trigger Created in your Zendesk Admin Center.
Workflow Name
Enter a Name for the Workflow. The Name shows on the Configuration page.
If you create a new Zendesk Trigger from the Workflow, the Workflow Name is also added to the name of the Trigger that is created. Refer below to Trigger and to Opening and Editing the Swifteq Trigger Created in your Zendesk Admin Center.
You can enter up to 64 characters. If many characters are added, at the moment, this will scroll in the Workflow configuration but will wrap on the Configuration page.
Triggers+ChatGPT integrates with Zendesk Triggers.
You can create new Triggers from the Triggers+ChatGPT app by selecting one of the following:
- When a ticket is created (new trigger)
- When a ticket is updated (new trigger)
The first time you add a Workflow and select a Trigger, it shows as (new trigger). The new Zendesk trigger will be created automatically when you save the Workflow.
When you have created a new trigger, and when creating other Workflows, any Triggers created from Triggers+ChatGPT also show for selection in the Trigger field. These show as Swifteq New Ticket, or Swifteq Updated Ticket followed by the name of the Workflow in which the Trigger was created.
When setting up the Workflows, you can only select to add a new Trigger, or select a Trigger that has been created through the Triggers+ChatGPT app.
As you set up additional Workflows, you can select to create new Triggers.
You can select an existing Swifteq Trigger, which can be more efficient. Selecting an existing Trigger created through the Triggers+ChatGPT app allows different actions to be executed on the same ticket event. For example, if you want to classify the ticket (using the Categorize action) and also extract the Order Number (using the Extract Value action) when a ticket is created, you can use the same Trigger with both actions but in different workflows.
When a Trigger has been created through the Triggers+ChatGPT app, you can make changes to it from your Zendesk Admin Center. You can change the conditions or filters in the Trigger, for example, you can set the Trigger to activate either when a ticket is created OR when a ticket is updated. Refer to Opening and Editing the Swifteq Trigger Created in your Zendesk Admin Center.
Open API Key
The first time you set up a Workflow, you need to enter your OpenAI API Key. This key allows the Triggers+ChatGPT app to communicate with OpenAI services and automate your ticket handling tasks.
If you do not have an OpenAI API Key yet, visit OpenAI's Developer Portal to obtain your key.
In order to properly use or test Triggers+ChatGPT you need to have a paid OpenAI API account.
You can use the free tier, but this is very limited and you will reach the maximum threshold allowed after very few requests. Also, the free tier will not allow you to use GPT-4 with your workflows.
- In the Workflow, paste your OpenAI API Key.
- Then click Save.
Once you have saved your OpenAI API Key to Triggers+ChatGPT, you will not need to enter this again when adding new Workflows.
If you need to change the OpenAI API Key you have entered, please contact support by sending an email to support@swifteq.com,
GPT-4 or GPT-3.5
For each of the OpenAI ChatGPT Actions, you select whether to use GPT-4 or GPT-3.5.
In order to properly use or test Triggers+ChatGPT you need to have a paid OpenAI API account (refer above to Open API Key). Although more expensive, GPT-4 proved to be more accurate especially for the Categorize workflows.
OpenAI ChatGPT Action
Triggers+ChatGPT integrates with ChatGPT and you select the Open AI ChatGPT Action to make for this Workflow.
For details of the Actions you select, refer to Configuring the Workflows - OpenAI ChatGPT Action.
Zendesk Action
You then need to configure the Zendesk Action. This instructs the Workflow what to do with the output when updating the Zendesk ticket. If no output is found for the action, nothing is changed in the ticket.
Refer to Configuring the Workflows - Zendesk Action.
Enabling the Workflow and Save
When you have set up the configuration, enable the Workflow by clicking the Enable/Disable toggle and save it by clicking Save.
The Configuration displays and includes the saved Workflow. A Workflow that is Enabled shows with a green dot.
You can click on it to open and edit it at any time from here.
Opening and Editing the Trigger Created in your Zendesk Admin Center
For the Trigger in the Workflow, if you selected When a ticket is created (new trigger) or When a ticket is updated (new trigger) a new trigger named Swifteq New Ticket is created in your Zendesk Admin Center. The name of the Trigger also shows the Workflow that it was created from, for example, Swifteq New Ticket - Extract Order Number.
If you have selected an existing Trigger, this will show the name of the Workflow in which is was initially created.
You can make changes to the Triggers created from the Triggers+ChatGPT app from your Zendesk Admin Center. You can also open the Trigger when editing the Workflow by clicking View Trigger.
Refer to Opening and Editing the Swifteq Trigger Created in your Zendesk Admin Center.
Editing, Disabling or Deleting a Workflow
When you have saved a Workflow, it is included in the Configuration for Triggers+ChatGPT. You can open the Workflow from the Configuration to edit or disable it and you can delete a Workflow from the Configuration.
Editing a Workflow
You can open a Workflow and edit it by clicking the Name in the Configuration, or click the vertical ellipsis and select Edit.
Disabling a Workflow
If you want to temporarily disable a Workflow, open it from the Configuration and click the Enable/Disable toggle.
Then click Save.
The Workflow that is Disabled shows on the Configuration with a grey dot.
Deleting a Workflow
To permanently delete a Workflow, on the Configuration, click the vertical ellipsis and select Delete.
You are prompted to confirm the delete.