When a new ticket is created, the Merge Duplicate Tickets app checks if there is an existing ticket that matches. The checks are done using the Merging Rules you have configured. The checks in the Merging Rule include if the ticket has been created within the time interval set for the Merging Window, if the Matching Criteria is met (for example, for the same Requester or the same Custom Field) and for any other conditions and settings you have set up in the Merging Rules.
Where there is an existing ticket that qualifies, the new ticket is merged into the existing, older ticket. You can also configure the Merging Rules so that the older ticket is merged into the new ticket.
In this Article
Example of Auto-Merging
Example of Auto-Merging an Additional Ticket
Finding Tickets that have been Auto-Merged
Example of Auto-Merging
The following is an example of what happens when tickets from the same Requester are auto-merged, with the default configuration so that the new ticket is merged into the existing, older ticket and with the default Merging Comments.
- A ticket arrives from Joe Sample from the email address "joe.sample@gmail.com" and is allocated Ticket #7.
- Within the time interval set for the Merging Window (which in this example is set as "24 hours") a second ticket arrives from the same Requester, Joe Sample from the email address "joe.sample@gmail.com". This ticket is allocated Ticket #8.
- The Merge Duplicate Tickets app identifies that Ticket #8 can be merged with Ticket #7.
- A private Comment is added to Ticket #7.
- Ticket #8 is set to the Status of "Closed".
In Ticket #7, the Comment includes the following details from the merged ticket - Ticket #8:
- Ticket ID
- Subject
- The text "was closed and merged by Swifteq into this request."
- Description.
The default for the Comment that is added is the same text that is added when doing a manual Merge in your Zendesk Support except that it shows as "merged by Swifteq" instead of just "merged".
By default, the Merge Duplicate Tickets app adds "Private" Comments as Internal Notes so customers are not notified when a ticket is merged. If you want the Comments to be "Public" so the customers are notified, you can set this on the Merging Rules (refer to Merging Comments in Setting up the Merging Rules).
Example of Auto-Merging an Additional Ticket
If, for example, a further ticket is submitted by the same Requester, within the relevant time interval, this additional ticket will also be merged with the existing ticket.
The following is an example of when a third ticket is created (Ticket #9). This has also been merged with the original ticket (Ticket #7), a Comment is added as above with the details of Ticket #9 and Ticket #9 is closed.
Finding Tickets that have been Auto-Merged
In your Zendesk Support, you can search for the text "merged by Swifteq" to display a list of tickets automatically merged by the Merge Duplicate Tickets app.
Refer also to Reporting and Tracking Tickets that were Automatically Merged.